...and what you see Sir, is the end of all known things and the beginning of the unknowable ones. You have No Name, you are Uncatchable, as the manifest is supported by Unmanifest, you posed your Seal everywhere. What is revealed for One, will be hidden by many.
domenica 28 novembre 2010
giovedì 25 novembre 2010
for the Beauty Itself
...and that night I was sitted on the floor, with the light of so many studies broken,when I just felt Euler's presence forwarding my body and knocking upon some objects...
"Little man...was a long time since I came here to visit your hovel. Isn't it?"
"It is for you, and for the man you think you're talking with. But that man exists only in what you think it is your mind."
His laugh was safe but not much as it should have been a little later. "Oh nice, so I see myself you are talking in a different way. This obviously means you're thinking in a different way. But is the thinking a process of the Self or a process of the man you are saying he's not here?"
"Well, I understand your question just when you laugh, few seconds ago. In those moments I saw your past and your future as my mind is clear to the world and allows it to show what people call secrets and secrets are not. It is for past and it is for future that this body will explain you the concept of what it is, and not the concept of what you call, the Self."
"Oh Jesus, you become a prose writer Des."
"I became what I needed, as the purpose of becoming is the Beauty Itself and nothing else. But you believe to know what thinking is, and you are maybe ready to confirm to the world that thinking is a past experiences evaluation process."
"If I'll confirm this, you should say I'll confirm it to what I feel is my own world."
"You're right. And you should tell your-own-world through me and my worlds, that thinking is a dead process as you cannot see any difference beetween your past experiences and your thoughts. Deeply, beetween your experiences and your thoughts. Deeply, your experiences are made of same nature of what you think your thougths are made of..."
His face became more sullen. "...and deeply Sir?"
"Deeply, what you are experimenting is radical placed in your mind, where perception and memory are the mother and father of this Universe."
"You're drunk man."
"Each Universe can be experimented by the same way of its nature."
"So, dual nature."
"Not exactly, it is a trinity with meaning made by two opposite states as the perception and the memory give the meaning of a life."
"I'm not following you now, and I'm not sure I wanna do that."
"So, why you came?" Euler seemed thinking while watching the window at my left. "Are you saying me I could have made all of what I saw, all of what I see and all of what I'll see!? I'm dead and I'm talking with an alive man!!"
"Who's alive and who is dead, my friend?"
"I AM DEAD. And you, you are alive!"
"No. Your mind is DEAD, and my worlds are ALIVE. Who is talking you is not the man you knew,is not the man you see. But these worlds are born in you and made for you, 'cause you are the sender and you are the receiver of them."
"Me. So I'm mad! I'm mad and I'm dead and I'm also talking with myself through a man seems to me alive!!"
"The way does not matter when compared to the purpose. Imagine a different talk. This is only a way."
"And how my world should be better after the concept that the world is made by same nature of my thoughts?"
"If you are every seconds, for every time, the sender and the receiver of perceptions, you should be something different of what you see. Something difference from the concept you made yours."
"Which concept?"
"You are, WHAT you think you are. WHERE you think you are. And WHEN you think you are. This is the product of the mother and the father, and this should be understood by you."
"So I'm the sender. And I'm the receiver."
"That is the mind?"
"Would be useful for you to find a demonstration why you should be something as sender, receiver, body or what you prefer."
"I'm allready sure there is not any demonstration as I'm sure there is not any demonstration of the opposite."
"Here you wrong, because the opposite of what it is not, it is. And the meaning is given."
"So I'm Nothing. You're Nothing...we are Anything!!" Euler raised his arms altered cursing at the ceiling.
"This is not the opposite. This is a same conclusion as we are not."
"I'm not following you again, Sir."
"There is no difference beetween words, the only difference could be in saying something and saying anything. In talking and remaing silent."
"So the silence is us?"
"Silence is not opposite to what it is not."
"Yes, you're drunk and as I'm tired I also forgot why I came into your hovel."
"You came here for the Beauty Itself."
"Little man...was a long time since I came here to visit your hovel. Isn't it?"
"It is for you, and for the man you think you're talking with. But that man exists only in what you think it is your mind."
His laugh was safe but not much as it should have been a little later. "Oh nice, so I see myself you are talking in a different way. This obviously means you're thinking in a different way. But is the thinking a process of the Self or a process of the man you are saying he's not here?"
"Well, I understand your question just when you laugh, few seconds ago. In those moments I saw your past and your future as my mind is clear to the world and allows it to show what people call secrets and secrets are not. It is for past and it is for future that this body will explain you the concept of what it is, and not the concept of what you call, the Self."
"Oh Jesus, you become a prose writer Des."
"I became what I needed, as the purpose of becoming is the Beauty Itself and nothing else. But you believe to know what thinking is, and you are maybe ready to confirm to the world that thinking is a past experiences evaluation process."
"If I'll confirm this, you should say I'll confirm it to what I feel is my own world."
"You're right. And you should tell your-own-world through me and my worlds, that thinking is a dead process as you cannot see any difference beetween your past experiences and your thoughts. Deeply, beetween your experiences and your thoughts. Deeply, your experiences are made of same nature of what you think your thougths are made of..."
His face became more sullen. "...and deeply Sir?"
"Deeply, what you are experimenting is radical placed in your mind, where perception and memory are the mother and father of this Universe."
"You're drunk man."
"Each Universe can be experimented by the same way of its nature."
"So, dual nature."
"Not exactly, it is a trinity with meaning made by two opposite states as the perception and the memory give the meaning of a life."
"I'm not following you now, and I'm not sure I wanna do that."
"So, why you came?" Euler seemed thinking while watching the window at my left. "Are you saying me I could have made all of what I saw, all of what I see and all of what I'll see!? I'm dead and I'm talking with an alive man!!"
"Who's alive and who is dead, my friend?"
"I AM DEAD. And you, you are alive!"
"No. Your mind is DEAD, and my worlds are ALIVE. Who is talking you is not the man you knew,is not the man you see. But these worlds are born in you and made for you, 'cause you are the sender and you are the receiver of them."
"Me. So I'm mad! I'm mad and I'm dead and I'm also talking with myself through a man seems to me alive!!"
"The way does not matter when compared to the purpose. Imagine a different talk. This is only a way."
"And how my world should be better after the concept that the world is made by same nature of my thoughts?"
"If you are every seconds, for every time, the sender and the receiver of perceptions, you should be something different of what you see. Something difference from the concept you made yours."
"Which concept?"
"You are, WHAT you think you are. WHERE you think you are. And WHEN you think you are. This is the product of the mother and the father, and this should be understood by you."
"So I'm the sender. And I'm the receiver."
"That is the mind?"
"Would be useful for you to find a demonstration why you should be something as sender, receiver, body or what you prefer."
"I'm allready sure there is not any demonstration as I'm sure there is not any demonstration of the opposite."
"Here you wrong, because the opposite of what it is not, it is. And the meaning is given."
"So I'm Nothing. You're Nothing...we are Anything!!" Euler raised his arms altered cursing at the ceiling.
"This is not the opposite. This is a same conclusion as we are not."
"I'm not following you again, Sir."
"There is no difference beetween words, the only difference could be in saying something and saying anything. In talking and remaing silent."
"So the silence is us?"
"Silence is not opposite to what it is not."
"Yes, you're drunk and as I'm tired I also forgot why I came into your hovel."
"You came here for the Beauty Itself."
domenica 21 novembre 2010
martedì 9 novembre 2010
Se non fossi
a parlare, respirare o vedere, in un corpo
che si muove, gioisce e che soffre camminando,
correndo e mangiando e se non fossi colui che vede,
che sente e che dice, se non fossi io a pensare o a vedermi pensare,
ma se fossi la meta di questa preghiera, se solo fossi la fine e l'inizio
di questa pallida pallida sera, potrei dire che sono, sono altrove,
dove niente e nessuno potrà mai arrivare
senza prima sparire come quel corpo che sto facendo morire
e quella mente che sto lasciando asciugare dall'illusione che tutto sia vero,
quando invece è solo il frutto del mio piccolo grande impero
venerdì 5 novembre 2010
Lo Stato Supremo
mi tolsi le cuffie per cercare di sentire meglio cosa mi avesse detto quel tipo sedendosi accanto a me
"mi scusi non sentivo"
"ciao des, lo so che non sentivi"
"come sa il mio nome?"
"beh, io so molte cose ragazzo, più di quelle che un uomo potrebbe sopportare"
"che tipo di cose?"
"quelle del tipo, alla fine di questa nostra discussione un dalmata di 4 mesi e 2 giorni rincorrerà due anatre che usciranno dal lago che abbiamo di fronte"
"ti seguo" dissi spengendo il lettore mp3
"non quanto potresti davvero, stai perdendo il tuo tempo in sciocchezze"
"me ne rendo conto abbastanza da lasciarmi ancora un poco di senno per non impazzire"
"ma non sai in cosa impiegarlo, non sai da dove cominciare"
"no...non lo so" cercavo di rendermi conto di cosa stesse accadendo, ma sapevo perfettamente chi fosse quell'uomo
"questo luogo è particolare, così particolare che la differenza tra la luce e le tenebre non è affatto percepibile"
"intendi qui alla villa o in generale, nel mondo?"
"ovvio! intendo nel mondo, il tuo mondo, quello dove non accade nulla"
"ma sei qua per dirmi qualcosa?"
"si e tu sai cosa" gli occhi del tizio mi sembrarono cambiare, ma non sapevo dire se mi mettessero addosso una qualche sorta di timore ancestrale o se stavo per perdere conoscenza a causa di quello strano sguardo
"hai sentito ogni sorta d'opinione in merito e hai potuto fare cose particolari che non pensavi di poter fare" e mi guardò le mani e poi il torace" ma sei bloccato all'inseguimento di una cosa che solo 6 bodhisattva hanno ottenuto in tutto l'eone"
non sapevo che dire anche perché mi resi conto che il mio corpo stava per immobilizzarsi "ma!? cosa mi sta succedendo!" e mi resi conto d'aver formulato la domanda mentalmente solo quando lui mi rispose nella stessa maniera, senza che le sue labbra si muovessero
"non sapevi d'avere altro tipo di percezioni fino a quando non le hai vissute l'anno scorso...sapevi che il mondo era effettivamente come l'hai visto e non puoi negare a te stesso ciò che hai visto, adesso quel terrore che hai provato sta tornando per distruggerti e io sono qua per portarlo a compimento portandoti prima nel centro come hai già fatto da solo e solo dopo ti mostrerò ciò che hai già visto di te il giorno che sai...poi, alla fine, ti farò uscire dal corpo prima che questo collassi"
la sua calma aveva il potere di farmi agitare e questo potere, legato al fatto che non sentivo quasi più il corpo mi stava aumentando le pulsazioni"
"hai sempre la pressione bassa, le pulsazioni che senti non influiscono su di essa" poi tirò fuori un vecchio orologio da taschino "tra 12 secondi sentirai il solito ronzìo alle orecchie fino a perdere conoscenza tra un minuto e 32 secondi, quando la riacquisterai non sarai più in grado di percepire le lunghezze poiché sarai nel Regno, non quello di cui si parla ma quello vero...il primo ricordo che avrai sarà quello di essere nell'ombellico, ma è solo un escamotage per farti uscire più sopra, dall'ajna...quando sarai fuori capirai molte cose, ma ricorda...le puoi capire solo grazie a ciò che hai fatto nel corpo"
il tizio sorrise e anche se ammettevo la possibilità di poter essere stato drogato, conoscevo così bene le sue parole che non potevo negarle
"e adesso ascoltami des...lo stato supremo non è né questo né quello, niente di tutto ciò che hai pensato, ma è..."
mi tolsi le cuffie come per cercare di sentire meglio cosa mi avesse detto il tizio... "mi scusi?"
"dice a me? non ho parlato"
avevo come un vuoto di memoria, ero convinto mi avesse parlato, che mi avesse detto qualcosa, ma faticavo a ricordare persino quando...lo guardai attonito mentre seguendo il suo sguardo i miei occhi si posarono su un cucciolo di dalmata che inseguiva due anatre lungo il bordo del laghetto di Villa Pamphili...
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